The most grateful child, ever?

The most grateful child, ever?

Now this is gratitude! Get the tissues ready. This little boy's reaction to his birthday present is priceless.


Oh my gaaaash! 

I am sitting in a crowded coffee shop with tears streaming done my face! 

This clip of an Argentinian family celebrating their 10-year-old child's birthday starts with the boy's parents giving him a wooden chopping board as a birthday present. 

It seems like an odd choice, but the child's response is genuinely thankful. 

Luckily for the boy, there was another pressie waiting for him - and his reaction is priceless. 

Take a look below. 

Perez Hilton roughly translated the exchange as this: 

Kid: Oh, wooden board! (Smiles)
Dad: What does it say?
Kid: It’s nice, it is to put meat on it and cut it with a knife. Now I’m only missing a fork.
Dad: Yes, but what does the card say?
Kid: I’ve read it already. “For you to eat barbecue with your knife. We love you a lot mom and dad.” Thanks!
Mom: You can use any fork. (Hug.) I love you.

Just last night my first born and I sat down to write a letter to Father Christmas and I was speaking to him about his behaviour over the year. 

After completing the wish list we went on to chat about gratitude. 

This little boy is such a blessing and I so hope my kids take a leaf out of his book. 

These parents must be so proud x

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